Homage to those who dedicate their efforts to guarantee animal health and welfare, on the "Day of Cuban Veterinary Medicine.”
Las Tunas, Cuba.- For 10 years, Alexis Lorenzo Pérez has been coming and going along the trails of the Calixto Sarduy agricultural production cooperative (CPA), in Becerra, in the municipality of Las Tunas, where he puts all his efforts to keep animals in good health.
In this activity, mornings join in the evenings, and many times at night, because the veterinary services do not have schedules and they are always ready to go quickly to the different dairy farms, or other areas, to attend to any of the species.
“I attend to all of them. But, most of the time it is to the big cattle because our fundamental productions are meat and milk. Acute respiratory infections and gastroenteric disorders are reported, in addition to some accidents that we prevent, although occasionally occur.”
How do you know there is something wrong?
“Almost every day we visit the different areas, observe the animals and prepare the personnel that is there so that, in case they see something that we have not detected, they will urgently approach and tell us the symptoms.
“Whoever is with the animals day after day is the one who sees the signs that something is wrong. The faster the diagnosis; the faster treatment and recovery."
“Besides, every week we meet with the veterinary technicians and inseminators and talk about the difficulties. Emphasis is placed on the handling of animals and if someone makes a mistake, we urgently correct it to avoid greater evils.”
What are you doing to deal with the veterinary drug shortage?
“That is a difficult thing. When there are outbreaks of pneumonia, diarrhea, and other ailments, we report it and many times there is a solution. We buy from the LABIOFAM Company; but administratively, drugs sometimes come in."
“We are also aware of the handling of the mass so that the calf does not get too much sun, is not in humid lands or on concrete floors, and other preventive measures.
“We ensure the guarantee of food. That is the fundamental thing, the starting point. When there is poor nutrition, disorders occur.”
Have you ever used medicinal plants to heal animals?
"Many times. The use of biological products is a common practice in the unit because sometimes there are no other resources. We use custard apple decoctions to stop gastroenteric disorders. When pigs have diarrhea, we give charcoal them.
“Another example is the chunky banana, a good astringent. They are cut into small portions and given to eat. The results are excellent.”
Why did you choose Veterinary Medicine?
“I decided on that specialty because I always liked it. I adore seeing the results, saving the animal ... it comforts me that I treat it today and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow I see it running. That's nice.
“I plan to reduce the mortality to a minimum in all herds at the cooperative. That is my goal, and I am going towards it.”