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- Written by Misleydis Gonzalez and Naily Barrientos
- Hits: 2206
With the beginning of the summer season, measures to avoid traffic accidents are being reinforced in Las Tunas, in addition to the control of compliance with the provisions aimed at the third phase of the post-COVID-19 recovery stage in Cuba.
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- Written by Nayli Barrientos Matos
- Hits: 2292
Nearly fifty tons of organic-mineral have been produced to date by the Agricultural Supply Company of Las Tunas, which is a contribution to the country, given the current deficit of fertilizers in Cuban agriculture.
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- Written by Alexander Serrano Arias / CMLB News
- Hits: 2113
The repairs of the main and secondary roads in the southern area of "Jesús Menéndez" continue, based on coordinated actions between the government authorities of the territory and representatives of Azcuba Business Group, an entity with important economic enclaves in the area.
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- Written by Yenima Díaz Velázquez
- Hits: 2533
These days aquaculture development is gaining strength in the province of Las Tunas through private producers who make agreements with the Pescatún Fishing Company, as part of the Urban, Suburban and Family Agriculture movement, which responds to food production within or in the surroundings of cities and towns.
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- Written by Róger Aguilera / ACN
- Hits: 2134
The rainfall in July was decisive so that the reservoirs in the province of Las Tunas did not drop below 50 percent of their capacity, since the rains registered in that month behaved at 132 percent in relation to the historical average for that period.
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