Achieving high yields per hectare in the sowing of pastures has great economic value

The deficit in food production destined for livestock, mainly in the drought stage, has been a recurring theme in Cuba year after year, hence it was a matter of analysis recently in Las Tunas, with a broad representation of the sector, chaired by Jorge Luis Tapia Fonseca, vice prime minister.

The Vice President referred to the necessary diversification of work in the sugarcane production units

The Cuban Vicepresident, Salvador Valdés Mesa, gave a broad look at the sugar sector in the province of Las Tunas, who indicated working efficiently to transform the sugarcane activity and restore it to the place it has always occupied due to its economic, historical and traditional importance.

One of the priorities is the production and certification of agricultural, botanical and biotechnological seeds

In view of Cuba's difficult economic and financial situation, aggravated by the health crisis associated with Covid-19 disease and the tightening of the U.S. blockade, the province of Las Tunas is promoting food production with the support of its experts, the application of agro-ecological practices and the use of science and technology.

Duralment could manufacture some 14,000 modules of windows and doors for homes

The Israel Santos Metal Productions Company, commercially known as Duralmet, relies on its manufacture capabilities to become the main supplier of metalwork for the national housing construction program. Nor does it rule out making its products a new exportable item for the nation.

a0441f4007fbca8154b6f55268ed8282 LLíriam Osorio Corzo, especialista diarreas no pueden recibir el inmunógeno, ni tampoco los niños inmunodeficientes.