Sorrel Alexquemer Sánchez was one of Abeisy Pantoja's choices.
"Sorrel" Alexquemer Sánchez was one of Abeisy Pantoja's choices.

With the main commitment to strengthening the pitching area as a banner, Abeysi Pantoja completed the roster of 32 players for the 2nd Elite Baseball League, where the Lumberjacks hope to add another title to their showcases.

Carlos Juan Viera

Shortstop Roberto Súliban Baldoquín and pitcher Carlos Juan Viera will represent the Champions of the 62nd Cuban National Baseball Series, Leñadores de Las Tunas (Lumberjacks), in the Caribbean Baseball Cup to be held from October 1 to 8, in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

The Lumberjacks manager Abeysi Pantoja along his staff announced roster for Elite League
The Lumberjacks manager Abeysi Pantoja and his staff announced the roster for the Elite League

The management body of the Leñadores (Lumberjacks), along with Las Tunas baseball authorities, announced the names of the 20 players that will participate in the 2nd Elite Baseball League.

Las Tunas soccer team trains for the Apertura Tournament.

While the ball is rolling in the main football leagues of the Old Continent, catching the eyes of thousands of followers in Cuba, on the Island, with stealthy steps, like those who wish to remain anonymous, preparations are being made to start the 2023 Apertura Tournament.

The team from the Amancio Rodríguez sugar mill won the Sugar League in Las Tunas

The honey of triumph will remain one more calendar in the Amancio Rodríguez agro-industrial sugar company, whose baseball team defeated the representatives of the Colossus Antonio Guiteras, from the municipality of Puerto Padre, in the fifth game of the finals, with a knock-out of 12 runs for two, to take the series three to two.