Visit to the agricultural productive poles located in the communities of Fleitas and Gramal, in Manatí

The agricultural productive poles located in the communities of Fleitas and Gramal, in Manatí, were visited by the highest authorities of the Provincial and Municipal Defense councils.

Manatí, Las Tunas.- This visit, intended to check the use of land for the development of various crops, also brought together representatives of the Delegation of Agriculture and the Azcuba Group.

"In the case of the Fleitas pole, which was started about a year ago and has more than two thousand hectares of land in different stages of preparation and more than 120 hectares under cultivation," said the delegate of the Agriculture in the municipality, José Luis García Alemán.

This entity, under the auspices of the Integral Agricultural Company of the province and usufructuaries of the Cándido Rodríguez credit and services cooperative and the basic unit of cooperative production, must become one of the largest in Las Tunas, guaranteeing productions for the population of Manatí, as well as the delivery plan for the provincial capital.

In support of the plantation of Orinoco bananas, the main activity they undertake there, mobilizations are carried out by the popular council and they also foresee the addition of workers from the municipal seat.

García Alemán also mentioned that in relation to the Gramal pole, the more than 260 hectares that comprise it, are in a process of negotiation with all the sugarcane areas that the Azcuba Company has to transfer it to Agriculture, with the intention of making the most of both assignments: maintaining efficiency in the balance of the Attention to sugarcane producers base business unit (UEB) in the territory and increasing various crops to feed the people, especially in times of pandemic.