Pediatric care is a priority for Las Tunas Health system.

Viviana Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Provincial Director of Health, urged to continue perfecting the protocols of the institution that governs the pediatrics policies, from which Primary Care in the province is nourished and projected, during the annual balance of the Mártires de Las Tunas Pediatric Hospital.

The revitalization of the hematology examination area guarantees the operation of the clinical laboratory.

Karel Mainegra arrived at the Gustavo Aldereguía polyclinic touched by an emergency. He was looking for a peripheral lamina analysis for a child. He found his way among the patients and managed to find the hematology laboratory but his luck ran out when he heard that these tests were not being carried out.

A warning call arose among health professionals: drug that circulates today, is not the same that will move through the streets for the next week.

The First Provincial Workshop on Addictions, led by Health specialists in Las Tunas, was held on the definitions of concepts to distinguish which are drugs of abuse, the addicted patient, and each of the types of drugs, as part of a work strategy aimed at dispensing, training, and dialogue in the management of patients.

Dr. Emilio Lastre is second-degree specialist in psychiatry.

After decades of fair negotiations and following a career that is a source of pride in the faces of the generations of doctors who were trained under his rigor, Dr Emilio Alfonso Lastre Arrieta has been awarded as Professor Emeritus, in recognition of the Minister of Higher Education, and has become the first doctor of Las Tunas to receive such a distinction.

Dr. Aliosky Montero Escala

He came to Las Tunas by another chance, and the son of Mantua, Pinar del Río, confesses that he carries the duality rooted in him because this is also his homeland. As a master in Emergency Medicine, assistant professor, and president of the Academic Committee of the specialty, his dialogue is bifurcated, but the doctor is faithful to his patients, to the maelstrom of the ward, and to those precious seconds in which life or death takes hold.