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- Written by Yelaine Martínez Herrera / Photos: Reynaldo López Peña
- Hits: 50
We are already at the Book and Literature Fair. We are infected by the magic of the shelves full of those paper friends, especially in Maceo Park and its surroundings, the event's main venue. This time, 301 titles and more than 28,600 copies complete the spell, bringing us closer to long-awaited volumes such as The Little Prince, The Golden Age, and The Blue Coachman.
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- Written by Yuset Puig Pupo / Photos: Ángel Chimeno
- Hits: 50
For the enjoyment of the little ones, and as part of the excitement of the Book Fair, the red-nosed musical show Casa de Papote in Concert opened its doors on Thursday, a sort of continuation of the unquestionable talent of Teatro Tuyo, which returns to its homeland to once again spread smiles, pirouettes, and hugs that defy the distance from the beloved troupe.
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- Written by Yuset Puig Pupo
- Hits: 456
Since time immemorial, the road to Puerto Manatí came with a familiar sighting: Las Carboneras, a small village of just 10 houses that set the pace of this line of business in the municipality. It was almost inevitable to notice the large furnaces a few meters from the road, the bare backs dressed in the steamy work, and the smoke as a barter of caress that foreshadowed the proximity of the coast.
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- Written by István Ojeda Bello / Photo: By the author
- Hits: 272
As far as production is concerned, the secondary continues to be the main activity at the Stainless Steel Company (Acinox) in the eastern province of Las Tunas.
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- Written by Maryla García Santos
- Hits: 320
A work team from the Ministry of Transportation (MITRANS), led by its director of Staff Carlos Guerra, toured the eight municipalities of Las Tunas to identify the main problems and propose solutions for the sector's gradual improvement.
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