All restaurants interrupt their usual services

The Gastronomy network adopts strict measures; and all restaurants interrupt their usual services and only maintain the takeout modality, to contribute to avoiding the increase in positive cases for COVID-19 in the municipality of Las Tunas.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- Luis Manuel Páez, director of Gastronomy in the Business Group of Commerce, assured 26 that they currently face the challenge of maintaining the vitality of their services and bringing them closer to the population, especially the most vulnerable; but with the mandatory compliance with the provisions that guarantee social distancing.

"We are only offering takeout or food delivery in the city's restaurants," the manager said. In previous periods, this adaptation yielded good results in the province and many people in Las Tunas, even in the new normal stage, used to buy the food and eat it at home.”

In the case of the food delivery service, Luis Manuel pointed out that the interested persons must make the request by phone in the same unit.
He also reiterated that it was decided to close state and private bars to support the fight against the pandemic. The units that sell dispensed beer will be open until 9:00 pm, but will only provide the possibility of consuming the drinks at home.

The manager emphasized that all facilities rigorously ensure compliance with epidemiological provisions, such as disinfection of hands and footwear baths at their entrance; the mandatory use of the facemask, and the distancing between people, in such a way that ensure a safe environment.

The Business Group of Commerce assures that they have met with the service personnel and have been required that in case of presenting any respiratory symptoms they stop attending work immediately, a matter that will be periodically and strictly checked.