Liberación canning factory

The Liberación canning factory, in Las Tunas, is shaping up to new business horizons thanks to a local development project that will guarantee to increase the yields of its production lines and position the confections in the national market.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- Adis Rodríguez Reyes, head of the factory's Commercial Department, assured 26 that, in the first stage, they planned to mount a vacuum container that was already in the facility but had not been used. With this infrastructure, it will be possible to diversify productions and expand the range of foods to be placed in commercial networks.

"We really need to renew the workspaces," Rodríguez Reyes pointed out. The plant has outdated technology and many years of overexploitation. Practically, the lines of production remain vital thanks to the movement of innovators and the commitment of the labor collective.

“We defined the project in stages. Initially, we intend to modernize the production areas and expand them taking into account sanitary requirements. We want workers to feel part of the changes and contribute their ideas to optimize spaces.

“Later we have planned to recover two more cans and put them in the function of the production demands. Our priorities include the creation of a warehouse for finished products, with sanitary filters, designed with the principle of going forward.

“We cherish other ideas for the future to expand our scope, such as producing mayonnaise and another type of biscuit, gaining efficiency, and competing with national productions to provide the factory with a seal of quality. We are currently immersed in a local development project, but we also become part of the province's business portfolio and several investors have been interested in our operation.”

"Liberación" has the capacity to process between six and seven tons of fruits or vegetables per day. His group is organized to work in two shifts but that rhythm is not currently demanded and barely three tons of canned foods are produced every day.

With a view to modernization, the factory managers have created a solid local development project, but even to get closer to these goals, the requirement that there be a guarantee of raw material delivery stands out, a condition that requires the nesting of other companies and the support of the top authorities of the territory.