Mirtha Hechavarría Yanes, 74 years old, receives daily lunch and dinner

Since the end of March, José Martínez Ramírez could not continue with his usual work as a teacher of physical culture in the Julio Antonio Mella sports center in this eastern Cuban city. However, he continues to go out on the streets for an important reason. It depends on him that Mirtha Hechavarría Yanes, 74 years old, receives daily lunch and dinner.

Guillermo Domínguez hospital, in Puerto Padre

In the Guillermo Domínguez hospital in Puerto Padre, conditions for care and treatment of the COVID-19 positive cases of inhabitants of the province that until now have been assumed by a healthcare unit in Holguín.

Cimex S.A Corporation

Cimex S.A. and Tiendas Caribe corporations adopt measures here to streamline services in the network of facilities and reduce the crowding of people, given the current national and local epidemiological situation that imposes to stop the spread of the new coronavirus.

Las Tunas downtown is a very complex area

In order to understand why Cuba "goes out and finds" the COVID-19 in its neighborhoods, in an attitude of frank epidemiological offensive, it is necessary to contextualize, without remedy, in the communities of the Archipelago.