Artist from Las Tunas. against the blockade

Las Tunas artists painted the morning with good sensations by joining the “Bridges of Loves” global initiative to demand the end of the cruel economic, commercial and financial blockade that the United States Government has imposed on the Cuban people for more than six decades.

 La Plástica en Abril Provincial Exhibition (Plastic Arts in April)

La Plástica en Abril Provincial Exhibition (Plastic Arts in April) constitutes an event of artistic creation and promotion, with a competitive nature, which exhibits the best in the field of visual arts in Las Tunas.


Last April 16, we were not at the London Street of East Lane. But Chaplin returned with other geniuses on the date of his birth, only 132 years later. We saw him on the Internet at the premiere of the tribute concert Clownsicos, by Teatro Tuyo Company, which will soon be broadcast on television.

Provincial Museum Vicente García

To get there, observe a piece of a plane whose explosion is guessed and hurts as if the metal were speaking, see in photos the young faces of the victims and some of their belongings, is to feel more human and to remember the terrorist attack on flight CU-455. Seventy-three lives extinguished in full bloom that October 6, 1976. We are talking about the Mártires de Barbados memorial museum (Martyrs of Barbados).

Exhibition by graphic artist Jorge Pedro González Armas (JPG)

The blockade suffocates, slows down, and raises walls. Faced with this, Cuban people resist, think and create. This is one of the stories told by the works of the graphic artist Jorge González Armas (JPG), on exhibit since this Friday at the Casa de la Prensa of the province, under the title Vive Cuba (Cuba Lives).