Biofertilizer Ecomic

The production of the biofertilizer Ecomic in Las Tunas began at a good pace this year, which generates hope in farmers who have already experienced the application of this mycorrhizal fungus in different crops.

Rafael Antonio García, head of the Ecomic plant.Las Tunas, Cuba.- Rafael Antonio García Ramayo, head of the plant located in the Calixto Sarduy Arcia agricultural production cooperative (CPA) in the community of Becerra, highlighted the feedback from the satisfied producers.

“That makes us happy, but, at the same time, we regret that most of our clients are from other provinces, while within the province, they are from the other municipalities. The soils in the head territory are of poor quality; however, most tenants are not interested in the product.

“It is a pity because they have it at their fingertips and it is a nutrient already proven in several lines. And I'm not just referring to the tests we have done, in which the plantations achieve the same results as with urea, but to the experiences of consumers.

Ecomic production plant at the Calixto Sarduy Cooperative.“After several experiments, we found that four kilograms are enough for one hectare of beans. For example, if they buy two sacks of urea, they invest 30,000 pesos; however, for Ecomic they only pay 160 pesos, with very similar effectiveness.

García Ramayo added that during the last calendar year, the plant achieved the 20 tons it was designed to produce, and the overproduction was destined for the cooperative's agricultural areas, where vegetables and viands are planted.

“So far this year we have already obtained three tons, and another two are in the process of completion. Therefore, we have a reserve for any producer who wants to take it on because it generates multiple benefits in beans, corn, and other species."

The specialist explained that through several studies in the unit itself, they also proved the benefits of the biofertilizer in the sowing of pastures and protein and forage plants for cattle feeding, and also in the cultivation of tobacco.