Voluntary work on July 26, 2021

Demonstrations of solidarity with Cuba abroad and volunteer workdays in the country marked this July 26.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- This Monday, from several cities in the United States and Europe, the condemnation of the US economic blockade against the Greater of the Antilles was heard. In Rome, Italy, the members of the National Association of Italy-Cuba Friendship, together with representatives of organizations from the left of that country, also recalled a new anniversary of the assaults on the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes barracks.

In the land of Major General Vicente García González, together with the inhabitants of the provincial capital, those of the municipality of Manatí carried out a day of voluntary work in the food crops of that locality. Workers from different entities, young people, and neighbors supported the workers of the Luis Augusto Turcios Lima cooperative basic production unit in the recovery of a banana plantation affected by the strong winds.

Voluntary work on July 26, 2021

In Jobabo’s communities, the National Rebellion Day was received with a great popular movement; the work centers woke up adorned with the traditional red and black colors. Through slogans, posters, and music, the population reaffirmed their commitment and willingness to assume any task entrusted by the highest authorities of the Cuban Communist Party and the Government.

Students and professors of Las Tunas University reiterated their willingness to continue in the front line of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. The residences on both campuses serve as isolation centers for low-complexity positive and suspect patients. In both cases, the participation of students and teachers of the institution is being key.