LUDEMA Furniture improves its work.

The LUDEMA Furniture base business unit (UEB, by its Spanish acronym) is seeking to consolidate commercial requests from European markets through online sales to countries such as Spain, which has already shown considerable interest in the production of the entity, which belongs to the DUJO Cuban Furniture Industry.

The FMC is an active force in the transformation of the society in Las Tunas.

The Federation of Cuban Women (FMC by its acronym in Spanish) for their active struggle in favor of the development and growth of women in the different spheres of economic, political, and social life in the Balcony of the East recognized six of the eight municipalities of the province of Las Tunas.

The QR codes are one of the options for electronic payment through digital platforms.

More than 80 percent of commercial and gastronomic establishments in Las Tunas have the necessary digital conditions to facilitate electronic payment services, a reality that converges in seven of the eight municipalities, except for Jesús Menéndez, in the north of the province.

Iliana Toirac Ruiz, director of the local Tunas Visión television channel deserved recognition.
Iliana Toirac Ruiz, director of the local Tunas Visión television channel deserved distinction.

With the joy of knowing that they are national vanguards, a group of women from Las Tunas was recognized this Tuesday for their valuable work in favor of the homeland and the work of the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC by its acronym in Spanish).

CoLab is planing an E-Commerce Fair in support of the ongoing bank restructing process.

An E-Commerce Fair is the proposal of the Digital Citizen Innovation Laboratory in Las Tunas, to provide products and advice to the people during the bank restructuring process that the country is developing in its digital transformation process.