Half-price sale of agricultural products promoted by Mercasa

It was not the first time, nor will it be the last, because helping Cuba is helping its people, and with this premise, the company Mercasa, in the province of Las Tunas, held a sale to people in vulnerable situations.

Tha availability of water benefits the agriculture and livestock.

The agricultural sector of the province of Las Tunas is in better condition to produce a significant amount of food, both animal and for the population, from the recovery of local reservoirs.

Oustanding farmer Rosaida Cardoso Toranzo

Just a few days ago, Rosaida Cardoso Toranzo retired from her job; a woman who made history, not only in the Sabino Pupo agricultural production cooperative (CPA) in Cerro de Caisimú but also in the municipality of Manatí and the province of Las Tunas.

The sail round to Cuba has arrived to the Bay of Puerto Padre.

Puerto Padre, in Las Tunas, has been the recent destination of the scientific expedition that develops the sail round to Cuba, to promote knowledge in Marine Sciences and, in particular, about coral reefs and sharks.