Pharmacy in the community of Vázquez, Puerto Padre

The leading role of several production units in Las Tunas in the rescue of rural communities or villages goes beyond harvesting various crops or collecting milk, meat, and eggs because one of the principles of cooperatives in Cuba is that of social responsibility.

At the Ernesto Guevara Hospital, the President of the Provincial Defense Council was informed of the plan to receive the injured people. Meteoro Drill 2023.
At the Ernesto Guevara Hospital, the President of the Provincial Defense Council was informed of the plan to receive the injured people. Meteoro Drill 2023.

The president of the Provincial Defense Council, Manuel René Pérez Gallego, valued the Meteoro 2023 people’s exercise as very positive, which has allowed the territory to define the current vulnerabilities in certain places in Las Tunas, to face the risks of natural disasters. 

The Villa Real mini-industry produces varied sweets and preserves

In the community of Villanueva, in the municipality of Las Tunas, the board of directors of the José Santiago Ercilla agricultural production cooperative (CPA, in Spanish) is aware of the importance of the entity in feeding those who live in the surrounding area.

Management and command bodies trained in specifying the vulnerability reduction documents

Increasing the preparation of people and entities to reduce damages in the event of disasters of sanitary, technological, or natural origin is the main objective of the Meteoro Exercise 2023, which takes place this weekend.

Antonio Guiteras sugarcane derivatives unit

The recent festivities for the World Proletariat Day are impregnated in the walls of the Antonio Guiteras Holmes Sugarcane Derivatives basic business unit (UEB), the sweet aroma of pride for good work. Among the strong smell of molasses and the freshness of alcohol, four workers were awarded the Jesús Menéndez Medal of First Degree, and the task of being even more productive.