In recent months, the provision of services has not been achieved with stability

From the revision of the payment systems to the contact with the factors of the most affected communities currently occupy the authorities of Communal Services, an entity that is projected by the achievement of the stability of the collection of solid waste, a matter that in the provincial capital is far from being carried out with the required regularity.

Las Tunas 2024 March of the Torches

From three points at Las Tunas city, the young people came out with their lit torches, to lead the march in greeting to the José Martí 171st birthday anniversary.

José Martí Pioneer Parade Las Tunas 2024.

She was not among the girls who would attend the José Martí Pioneer Parade this morning. But they had to include her when they realized that, at barely five years old, she mastered, in detail, the dance steps, the hand movements, and everything necessary to accompany the march of the band from the Mártires del 28 de Diciembre School Center, at the very start of the event.

The president Díaz-Canel visited the solar park in Manatí

The first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, arrived at the Manatí 2 photovoltaic solar park to begin his visit to Las Tunas, as part of the meetings he holds throughout the country to discuss the work priorities for the year.

The Cuban president continues touring different municipalities

The first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, and president of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, visited the municipality of Manatí as part of the tours that he began at the beginning of the year to evaluate compliance with the priorities of work planned for 2024.