Julián's look shows concern, regret. More than 80 years on his back, he now has very short steps, forced daytime naps, and a wooden cane as an extension of his left arm. He is not the only one with the gleam of exaltation overflowing from his eyes, but he is the first to talk with 26 and expound his concerns about the monetary ordering.
“I have a social security payment that is enough to live on, the truth is that I don't spend much, except for coffee, which I can't miss several times a day. For years, I have been looking for lunch and food at the “family market”. Many times what I take in the casserole does not even have the minimum quality, but before it was cheap and one did not look at it; now with a higher price it should not be the same.
“I have listened to what they say on Mesa Redonda TV program and local programs, and I am still worried about what is going to be done to ensure that the food is cooked properly. I wonder if we are no longer going to receive the chicken or pork that we were offered on some occasions because, in that case, the price would go up too much.
Roberto Peña says that his situation is more complex. He shows a small piece of paper with his personal accounts and assures that the numbers are not enough. “It seems to me that the prices are not in line with our income. The soup has four noodles and costs more than three pesos, which is very expensive. Not all of us, old people have the same conditions. The social security payment does not cover all the necessities, I also have to get a haircut, shave, fix my bicycle, and buy a tire once a year. I have already decided that I will only be able to eat lunch or lunch, not both," adds the old man.
Julián and Roberto's doubts multiply in many local households. The province has experienced a considerable reduction in the number of diners in this modality since the Ordering Task began this January.
In El Algarrobo, a public dining room that belongs to the System of Attention to the Family (known as SAF, its Spanish acronyms), wrapped in an amalgam of smoke, the cook Lourdes Ávila comments on the limitations they face when making a good menu.
“The quality of the food is not the best. There are few ingredients, and many times we even bring some chives or garlic from home in order to improve the seasoning. Right now all we have is coloring.
“Every day, I start cooking at about 6:00 in the morning so that lunch is ready by 11:00. I have to deal with charcoal which makes the work more difficult. I listen to the elderly talk, and they mainly complain about the lack of variety in the main course, rather than the quality or the price.
Guillermo González, the administrator of the public dining room, corroborates Lourdes' comments and points out that with the relaxation of the laws they can buy directly from the productive forms, but at the moment they do not have the necessary increase in funds to face the market prices.
“Of our 23 customers, only 13 come at lunchtime and 11 at dinner time," added Guillermo. There are three temporary absentees and we continue to talk to the beneficiaries so that they come and eat what they want, without pressure”.
At La Feria public dining room, the number of grandparents has also decreased. Roberto Nápoles Ruz, the administrator of the place, said that of the 148 customers, only 60 to 80 attend these days.
“The social worker is visiting the beneficiaries in their own houses. Many have said that they do not have enough money and can only come sporadically. They complain especially about the prices of soups and stews, although we try to keep the menus below 18 pesos. With respect to quality we have no complaints, with the existing funds we have bought cassava, pumpkin, spices," confirmed Roberto.
Outside the public dining room, several elders disagreed on this matter. Israel Cutiño commented that sometimes he takes the food to improve it at home because otherwise, he cannot eat it.
“These days it has tasted better, but it still lacks a lot… And it's too little. They give us too much hard yucca, which we old people without teeth can't eat. In the beginning, I was obliged to come and take the food, because we understood that if we didn't come we would lose the benefit. Recently we were informed that no, that whenever we wanted, our food was assured.
Luis Manuel Páez, director of Gastronomy of the Business Group of Commerce in the province, commented to this weekly that the public dining rooms of SAF are a priority for the Group and it has been explained to the diners that the increase of their new social security payment was due precisely to the fact that the food costs would rise.
“Certainly what they demand most is that the quality of the food is raised, and rightly so. We have to admit that we are currently short of raw materials, such as puree, tomato and various spices. Our main objective is to obtain these supplies in order to continue protecting the elderly.
“The food destined for this program is centralized and will not vary. The province receives about 3.8 tons of meat per month, 1.3 tons of offal, more than 3.3 tons of fish, and about six tons of other meats. Of course, a large quantity of eggs is received because it is distributed in 21 frequencies per month.
“We have planned the new menus so that between lunch and dinner they do not exceed 26 pesos. This does not mean that fried chicken or pork will not be offered on the correspondent day; we will only try to balance the costs between the two dinners.
“Another variant that has been adopted is to extend the meats and prepare them in rice or soups, and in this way, we also lower the prices. In any case, quality has to be a guarantee and we have to talk to these people and ask them how they prefer the products, what they are going to consume and what they are not.
The province currently has about 4082 SAF beneficiaries. Their attendance at the public dining rooms has lately been between 62 and 64 percent. Gastronomy has set its goals in guaranteeing the quality of the service, although the purpose has not yet materialized.
In order to achieve this goal, an interweaving between the highest authorities, distributors, administrative and kitchen staff must be achieved as soon as possible, so that the menu consumed by the grandparents not only has the right protein balance, but also is prepared with the required raw materials.
The SAF is much more than cheap canteens. For Julián, Roberto and Israel, it has become a familiar and essential space. At the present time, the vitality of these units takes on singular importance, as well as the objective with which they were created: to protect the lower-income segments with reasonable prices. Maintaining this premise is also a way of ensuring that a good part of the third age passes smoothly.