Fidel Castro was born on August 13, 1926.

Birán is once again a word repeated, consecrated, and praised beyond an island and a myth. "13" is not a fateful number, even if it falls on a Tuesday and it is August. The thirteenth day of the eighth month is light in many latitudes of the world and for millions of people. Inside, //"our hearts beat outside"// and //"the wounds that do not heal return//."

Fidel Castro Ruz Center.

Journalist Katiuska Blanco wrote in an article that the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution is the root, trunk, and foliage of the nation and humanity; a reserve for the harsh winter, war, or oblivion. This idea of keeping him in mind and looking into his life and work encouraged, in November 2021, the foundation of the Fidel Castro Ruz Center.

The Observatory reads signals, identifies processes and, based on the experience it accumulates, dares to make diagnoses associated with possible behaviors, patterns, and trends.

The Social Observatory (OS in Spanish) of the University of Las Tunas, created five years ago as an interdisciplinary space in a position to contribute to the effectiveness and efficiency of decisions for the benefit of the university community, is carrying out valuable work of advice, study, and attention to the processes and socio-political climate at the University of Las Tunas.

Las Tunas City, the Cuban Eastern Balcony

Rural landscapes marked the geography of Las Tunas, and hamlets with eclectic styles formed the ephemeral city image of the historic center, in a city that barely reached 100,000 inhabitants. This land was that small village that served as a transit point to the Cuban East, a place where only small merchants converged and where guaraperas, hawkers of peanuts, frittatas, and other light food trends swarmed in traveling vehicles.

Journalist Ulises Espinosa Núñez

Ulises Espinosa Núñez joined the staff of 26 even before the newspaper was founded. He belongs to the select team of volunteer correspondents who pioneered print press in this province with more good intentions than real professional tools at their disposal.