The first well in Las Tunas is under the pavement just in front of the library

Under the pavement of the side of the Vicente García Park, in front of the José Martí Provincial Library, was the first known freshwater well in this region.

A medical team "managed to save the lives of two pregnant teenagers in Las Tunas

Recently, a multidisciplinary team from the Dr. Ernesto Guevara General Teaching Hospital managed to save the lives of two teenage pregnant women who had spent several days with very unfavorable prognoses. 26 approaches the event.

Calixto Garcia and William Ludlow in Cuba 1898

One of the most important actions in the struggle for independence in the so-called War of 1895 was the attack and takeover of the former Victoria de las Tunas, which began on August 28, 1897, 126 years ago today, by the Mambí troops under the command of Major General Calixto García Íñiguez, military chief of the Eastern Department, with areas of operation such as Bayamo, Manzanillo, Las Tunas, Palma Soriano, Holguín, Niquero, and others no less important.

The QR codes are one of the options for electronic payment through digital platforms.

Judging by the controversy, recent government measures aimed at accelerating the bank restructuring process (bankarization) and digital transformation of the national economy seem to be the clash of supporters and skeptics, while another not inconsiderable group of cautious people is waiting to see some results.

Decree Law 71 of May 2023 modified Decree Law 56 of October 13, 2021, on maternity.

The year 2022 was marked by a series of legislative reforms aimed at guaranteeing more rights to citizens. To increase maternity protection, a new decree-law comes into force that gives more guarantees to pregnant women in solidarity, as one of the figures recognized by the new Family Code.