Washington “has neither morals nor the right to express opinions on Venezuela´s political processes.“

Venezuela firmly condemned a new interference attempt by the U.S. government in its internal affairs by trying to set a position concerning different aspects of the 2024 electoral process.

Caracas.- Venezuela's Foreign Ministry said in a statement that the country's strong participatory and protagonist democracy “neither requires nor accepts tutelage” from other nations, let alone indirect democratic systems and with severe restrictions to participation imposed by economic interests and deeply institutionalized racism.

Such discrimination deprives the exercise of democratic rights of large segments of the Afro-descendant population.

It would be better for the United States to apply timely and fair corrections to its electoral system before seeking to make value judgments on the legitimate actions of democratic institutions in other countries.

The statement stressed that Washington “has neither morals nor the right to express opinions on Venezuela´s political processes “, which has always proved it is sovereign and independent. (PL)