primarMore than 1,700,000 Cuban students begin this Monday the 2019-2020 school year, a figure slightly higher than the previous academic course, the Ministry of Education (MINED) reported.

estu secunA new modality of studies will place students of Secondary Education in the classrooms of the Luis Urquiza Jorge Pre-university Vocational Institute of Exact Sciences of Las Tunas, an initiative that will begin this September to enhance talent in new generations, mainly in the branches of science.

maestraSome 83,489 students will attend the classrooms next September 2nd in the province of Las Tunas, a territory that is projected to overcome the quality of the educative-teaching process and the efficiency of the indicators.

cienciasmedicasThe Zoilo Marinello Vidaurreta medical sciences university opens its doors to more than 6,500 students between undergraduate and postgraduate during the new school year. The fundamental efforts are focused on the raising of the quality of academic processes, develop the teaching staff towards higher categories and carry out the external evaluation of the center for its accreditation at the end of 2020.