• Strengthening Process Concluded in Las Tunas Cooperatives

    Strengthening Process Concluded in Las Tunas Cooperatives

  • The Bagasse Board Factory Exploits New Production “Plots”

    The Bagasse Board Factory Exploits New Production “Plots”

  • Polio Vaccine in Las Tunas Communities

    Polio Vaccine in Las Tunas Communities

  • Proletarian Blood for May Day (+Photos)

    Proletarian Blood for May Day (+Photos)

Las Tunas News

Territorial Defense Day Tests People's R…

The structures of the Provincial Defense Council of Las Tunas directed their work towards the process of achieving full combat readiness in a non-conventional war scenario, during the territorial defense...

Las Tunas Dairy Company Handles Greater …

After a marked context of limitations in the collection of milk that led to a reduction in distribution to children, through the regulated family basket, the Dairy Products Company has...

Tax Verification on MSMEs that Declared …

Knowing the financial situation in particular and advising on tax issues are the main objectives of verification by the Tax Administration Office (ONAT) in Las Tunas to the micro, small...

May Day Beats in the Fields

Thousands of people from Las Tunas have gone to the fields of the territory, on voluntary work days, to support food production and greet May Day from the furrows, as...

Díaz-Canel in "Jesús Menéndez,…

During his visit to the Arroyón farm, which belongs to the Various Crops basic business unit of the Jesús Menéndez Agroindustrial Company. This Friday, the first secretary of the Communist Party...

May 1st, a Date that Summons

Because May Day is a date that summons, these April days, the unions that make up the Central de Trabajadores de Cuba (Cuban Workers' Federation) promote productive goals in all...

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Cuba News

Terrorists Based in the US Instigate Vio…

Cuban experts detailed the modus operandi of terrorists based in the United States, who use social networks to instigate crimes and commit acts of contempt for authorities.

Actions against Cubana de Aviación Cond…

Intellectuals, trade unions, and newspapers condemned the economic, commercial, and financial blockade by the United States and the refusal of local fuel suppliers to serve Cubana de Aviación, which caused...

President of Cuba Urges Rich Countries t…

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel emphasized the need for developed nations to collaborate and transfer technologies and resources to developing countries, based on disaster management.

Cuba and the European Union Dialogue on …

The fourth Dialogue between Cuba-European Union on Unilateral Coercive Measures takes place this Wednesday, April 24 in Brussels, Belgium. The exchange continues the one held in March 2021, in virtual...

Cuban President Attends ALBA-TCP Summit …

President Miguel Díaz-Canel traveled to Venezuela to participate in the 23rd Summit of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-People's Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP), to be held in Caracas...

Polio Vaccination Campaign Starts in Cub…

The 63rd National Bivalent Polio Oral Vaccination Campaign started in Cuba on Monday to keep this disease eliminated in the country, the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) informed on its...

World News


Rafa Viñales LasTunas VS CMG beisbol Cuba oct2020 0009Las Tunas.- Una nueva salida de calidad de Dariel Góngora, además de la rebelión ofensiva en las postrimerías sirvieron de catalizadores para el triunfo 10x0 de los Leñadores ante los Cocodrilos, mediante la vía del fuera de combate en ocho episodios.
Durante los dos primeros tercios del duelo, Góngora escudó la ventaja de dos carreras, obtenida en el capítulo de apertura, con una labor sin anotaciones, seis hits y par de ponches. Por segunda ocasión en la presente campaña el agramontino sirve de “látigo” ante la tropa yumurina para apuntarse el quinto éxito.
La suerte del séptimo acto se hizo sentir en las arcas tuneras, mediante un rally de seis carreras. Jonrones de Rafael Viñales, el octavo en el calendario, y Dánel Castro, junto a un biangular remolcador de tres “hachazos” de Yordanis Alarcón significaron la fuerza motriz para que la nave verdirroja ampliara diferencias. El slugger Viñales quedó a una impulsada de la treintena y continúa al frente del departamento, como mismo sucede con los cuadrangulares. 
El invicto de Yamichel Pérez se quebró con solo subirse al box del estadio Julio Antonio Mella. El zurdo, pitcher derrotado, apenas acumuló un inning en la hoja de ruta, mientras toleró cuatro imparables y dos “rayitas”. El relevo flaqueó en los últimos compases y, similar a un castillo de naipes, el desenlace final cayó por su propio peso.
Por su parte, Rubén Rodríguez volvió a silenciar la estruendosa artillería de Matanzas. El holguinero, con poca velocidad y derroche de gallardía, completó la ruta sin dificultades. La actuación le valió el primer salvamento.
Los acontecimientos de la jornada ubican a Las Tunas (14-13) en abrazo con Artemisa en la tercera plaza a medio punto del segundo escaño ocupado por los Gallos de Sancti Spíritus. Asimismo, el cruce directo con los líderes posibilita disminuir las distancias, cuando apenas restan 13 desafíos para concluir con la etapa clasificatoria.