Representatives from China and Cuba inaugurated an innovation center in the city of Yongzhou, Hunan province.Representatives from China and Cuba inaugurated an innovation center in the city of Yongzhou, Hunan province, to carry out joint research in biotechnology, a sector with solid ties, diplomatic sources reported today.

COVID-19 in Cuba

• Cuba reports 932 new Coviud-19 cases, 11 deaths • April, the month with most COVID-19 deaths and infections in Cuba • Cuba heads firmly towards COVID-19 immunization 

The new U.S. administration has not expressed "utmost concern" for the terrible effects that the blockade has caused on the Cuban people

Cubadebate says that there are embarrassing concerns, especially when the most powerful nation on the planet puts its officials and its embassy to show "extreme concern" for a well-fed citizen while condemning more than 11 million people of the same country to hunger and shortages.

Unblock Cuba campaignRepresentatives of 18 European organizations, solidarity associations, and unions reaffirmed today the demand for the end of the blockade that the United States has imposed on Cuba for six decades.