Seven panels for pumping water have been installed and some 22 are in the process.

The installation of 146 solar panel equipment in the pumping stations of the rural communities of Las Tunas will allow the Empresa de Acueductos y Alcantarillados to save this province about 73 thousand kilowatts (kW).

Las Tunas, Cuba.- The process, which is already underway, has allowed the installation of seven panels so far, while the assembly of 22 others is in progress.

Maikel Cervantes, deputy assistant director of the entity in the territory, told the local radio station and assured that the benefits are already reaching around two thousand inhabitants of the localities Cruce de San Joaquín (Las Tunas), La Canoa (Jobabo), La Jía ("Colombia") and Pozo Blanco, in the municipality of Jesús Menéndez.

The executive emphasized the advantages of this change in the energy matrix, considering that the Aqueduct and Sewerage Company is the second-most fuel consumer entity in Las Tunas and, therefore, it can mean extremely valuable savings for the local economy and the residential sector.

He also highlighted the advantages for the environment by reducing the use of fossil fuels and increasing the use of more environmentally friendly energy.