The school uniform is one of the most recurrent topics in thousands of homes

The school uniform is one of the most recurrent topics in thousands of homes of children, adolescents and young people enrolled in general education. 

Róger Enrique Mastrapa Pérez, leader of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR)

He opened the door to us with a smile, he was convinced that we were eager to know a little about his life: Róger Enrique Mastrapa Pérez, leader of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR) in several provinces, including Las Tunas, for more than 30 years. 

The medical sciences of the province of Las Tunas register, by its characteristics, the most critical maternal case of the last times

Yillian, 15 years old, went to the Doctor Ernesto Guevara de la Serna General Teaching Hospital with aggravated high blood pressure, 38 weeks of pregnancy. After an urgent cesarean section, several surgeries followed due to bleeding and intra-abdominal infection, which led to surgical repair of the organic area. For many days, she had total respiratory, hemodynamic and renal artificial support.

MSc Alexey Moreno

Alexey Moreno is 46 years old and has a degree in agricultural engineering. Judging by his verbal skills, he may also have been a communicator. However, neither one nor the other: 23 years ago, a sustained streak in the shape of a hunch pushed him into the very eye of a profession from which he could never leave again: Meteorology. Today he is the technical deputy director of the Tunas Meteorological Center.